
Thursday, January 24, 2019

SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial

Posted By Manisha Gupta 

What is SAP Logon?

SAP Logon is used initiate a user session in a desired SAP Server. The same SAP Logon pad can be used to login into different SAP ERP environments. SAP Logon is a client side software usually used by Consultants, developers and end-users
Following Video will take you through the various screen elements observed in the SAP - Graphical User Interface (GUI)
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  • To access SAP, double click in the SAP logon PAD.
  • SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
  • You are shown a list of servers that you could log into right now there is only one server
  • SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
  • But you see multiple servers like one for production, one for Testing one for development.
  • Select the server and click the Log On Button. In the next screen, enter your user id and password. You are taken to Sap's easy access menu
  • SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
  • At the top, you will see the menu bar. Next you will see the standard tool bar where you options to Print , Save Find , Scroll etc
  • SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
  • To view or maintain any data in SAP or access different business process you need to know the corresponding transaction. Every transaction has a unique code.
  • SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
  • For example, transaction number to maintain a PA data is PA30
  • To access the transaction, in the command prompt enter PA30 and hit enter.
  • If you notice the title bar changes in accordance with the transaction, you are currently in.
  • SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
  • To go back to the initial screen click the back button
  • Alternatively, if you do not remember the transaction code, a tree is provided with all the transaction available.
  • Navigate in the tree. Double click in the corresponding transaction. Suppose you do not want to navigate so much to access a transaction, right click on it and select Add to favorites
  • SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
  • The transaction is added to your favorites. At the bottom of a screen you will notice Message Bar.  This Bar has three colors
  • Red - for errors
  • Yellow - for warnings
  • Green - for success
  • SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
  • If you double click on the bar, detailed information of the message is reflected
  • At the bottom, you will see various system related information like the client or the program you are currently in.
  • To get help in SAP, select on the corresponding screen element and press F1
  • Suppose, I want help on command prompt, pressing F1 gives me a very detailed help document.
  • That's it to the SAP GUI

SAP GUI Navigation

When you logon to SAP or you open a new  session-  you will see the following screen
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial

Lets look into the various screen elements- 

SAP User Menu

The SAP User Menu is tailored to the user's specific needs. It includes all transactions relevant to a user, grouped under relevant folders
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial

SAP Easy Access Menu

The SAP Easy Access Menu includes all transactions offered by SAP, grouped in folders according to SAP modules (FI/CO, MM, etc.). It is not tailored to the user's specific needs
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial

SAP  Menu Bar

The SAP Menu Bar CHANGES from one screen to another. You follow a menu path to access a function or a transaction.
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial

SAP Standard Tool Bar

The SAP Standard Toolbar does NOT change from one transaction to another. You can use the SAP Standard Toolbar to execute various functions.
  • Buttons available are enabled
  • Buttons not available are disabled
  • In the "Transaction Box", you can directly access a transaction, without using the SAP Menu, by entering the transaction code
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
General Icons and their Description
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial 
Hint: You open a maximum of 6 different SAP session at a time

SAP Application Toolbar

The SAP Application Toolbar CHANGES from one screen to another.
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial

SAP Status Bar

The SAP Status Bar does NOT change from one screen to another. It tells you WHERE you are in SAP:
  • Which environment you are using (Production , Development , Quality).
  • In which session you are in (as you can open up to 6 sessions).
  • What client you are using.
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
Clicking on SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial button gives more information -
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial

SAP Function Keys

Functions keys are just another way of navigating around SAP. The availability of function keys CHANGES from one screen to another While in a transaction , right click on your mouse , you will see a list of function keys available
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial

How to get HELP in SAP

More often than not while using SAP you will need HELP. You can access in-built SAP Help functionality for ANY screen element (like text fields , buttons ,labels etc ) for ANY SAP ScreenIn this training , we will assume you need help for the following field -
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
You can access help in three different ways
  1. Clicking on the "Help" button.SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
  2. Right-clicking on your mouse and selecting "Help".
  3. Pressing the F1 button on your keyboard.
A Performance Assistance Screen Opens-
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
1. It gives you information on how to fill the specific field on screen
2. Clicking on Technical Information Button gives you information like program name , table name and other technical details which comes in very handy at times
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial
3. Clicking on portal button gives you access to the online SAP Library available via the internet.
SAP Logon: GUI & Navigation Tutorial

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